terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

Craft: Chalkboard Name Tags

FONTE: http://zakkalife.blogspot.com/2011/02/craft-chalkboard-name-tags.html

Veja que legal... Você pode fazer bancos, potes, caixas, bandejas... O que sua imaginação mandar.

Hooray, my craft idea actually worked out this time! So, it with great pride that I give you the chalkboard name tag tutorial, fun and eco-friendly. Now, I just need a good excuse to use them. Craft party anyone?

Chalkboard paint
Flat wood disks - can be found at craft stores - they also come in other fun shapes
Pin backs
Hot Glue Gun

1. Paint wood disks ( 4-5 coats). Let dry overnight.

2. Glue on pin backs. Done.

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